Knowing how to check website traffic for any site can help your business learn from competitors to optimize your marketing strategy.
When you analyze a competitor’s traffic you can see:
- Their total number of visitors and how their traffic changes over time
- The keywords driving the most traffic
- Their top-performing pages
- The channels their visitors come from
Website traffic checkers are the tools that give you the ability to analyze the traffic of any website around the world.
Here are the top 3 web traffic checkers:
1. Shopify
Shopify’s traffic check reports help you know how much traffic your online store is receiving. In the Reports section, in the menu on the left of your Shopify store, you can see the section “Sessions over time” and select specific dates to see how much website traffic you have obtained during that period.
By cross-referencing this with other reports, such as “Online Store Conversion Rate,” you will better understand if you are getting traffic from your target audience.
2. Alexa
The Alexa Traffic Checker helps you research your competitors. In other words, if you want to know what your competitors’ sources of traffic are, this is the tool to use. Plus, it’s free.
Personally, I use this website traffic checker when I’m building a new online store to see what my competitors’ top sources of traffic are. You can also use it to know the popularity of your competitors, and to know if the traffic they receive is trending up, stable or declining. You can even see the global or national rank of the website.
3. SimilarWeb
SimilarWeb’s traffic checker allows you to know the total number of page views, the duration of the visit, the main sources of traffic and more relevant information about your competitors.
This traffic checker even tells you which are the best referral sites so that you can create a strategy to contact these websites and get links to your online store. You can also know the percentage of paid traffic versus organic traffic to help you create a strategy for generating traffic.
5 Experts tell us how to increase web traffic
CEO Blog Nation Gresham Harkless, Editor of CEO Blog Nation
The best way to get organic traffic is to present your target market on your website. At CEO Blog Nation, we focus on having regular information about entrepreneurs and business owners, for them to share with their audiences. The impact has been of more than 40k users without advertising.
TINY pulse Andrew Sumitani, Marketing Director at TINY pulse
An obstacle that almost any organization has to face is increasing the number of links (inbound links), and maintaining a high quality of these links. At TINYpulse, we generally avoid acquiring backlinks through forums, blog comments, and social media sites.
To maintain quality, we are looking for influential journalists or content coordinators from various websites through tools like Buzzsumo and Ahrefs. They are a fantastic resource for finding news and stories, simply by filtering for the most popular content.
George Perry, SEM Bandwidth Specialist
I have worked with companies to send postcards inviting people who have shown an interest in the business or industry to enter to win. We have taken them to a landing page for the contest and, after entering, we have made sure we have a button that they click on in confirmation to take them to the main site. This strategy has resulted in a 30% increase in traffic during the contest period, and a 5% increase over time.
Steph Taylor, host of the online marketing podcast Socialette
Pinterest promoted pins have been the main source of traffic for my new website, and they are much cheaper than Facebook ads for my audience. A small budget of $ 5–10 per day has resulted in 1,127 clicks to my website in the last 30 days. The best part? Even after I stop promoting, my pins will continue to drive traffic to my website.
Dayne Shuda, Owner of Ghost Blog Writers
Having guest content is one of my favorite ways to increase traffic to my website. You invite other types of content, such as podcasts, videos, articles, etc. You provide generally entertaining or educational content, and in return, you gain access to a new audience. It’s like an actor going to a late-night TV show to promote a new movie. You can increase traffic in the short term, but also traffic in the long term.